Bissell Sweeper

Oct 24, 2022 | 0 comments

In 1876 Melville and Anna Bissell were running a small pottery shop in Grand Rapids MI. Tired of constantly cleaning sawdust off the shop’s carpet, Melville invented and patented a one-of-a-kind sweeper. Before long friends and customers were inquiring about purchasing the sweeper, when they did, a new business was born!

By the 1890’s the company had an international presence and was producing 1000 sweepers a day. It didn’t take long for Bissell®️to get its first famous customer, Queen Victoria, who insisted the palace be “Bisselled” every week.

After Melville R. Bissell’s passing in 1889, his wife Anna took over the company becoming the first female CEO in America. A progressive employer, Anna was among the first business leaders of the time to provide her employees with pensions and workers compensation.

Melville Bissell III took over leadership of the company in 1953 which is now located in Walker MI and is still family owned.


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