Alf was a furry alien from the planet Melmac who crash landed into the Tanner family’s garage. The...
Lipton Tea
Thomas Lipton was born in Glasgow Scotland in 1848, the son of an Irish grocer. He built an empire...
Trouble with your phone? Things could be worse!
In the early 1900s there were only two telephones in the whole area. In 1913 Cobble...
Volunteer With Us
Want to Help Make History Come Alive? Consider becoming a member of the Mill Bay/Malahat...
An Unusual Visit
On Sunday in 1954 a large Canso Flying boat was practicing landing and taking off in the...
Early Mail
In the early days, mail that was simply addressed with your name and Mill Bay was brought to...
Volunteer Profile-Maureen Alexander
I am a long time resident of Mill Bay and always wanted to learn more about the area’s history. It...
Mobsters in Mill Bay??
Was the Mill Bay Marina site used by Rum Runners to run liquor to the USA during the ‘Roaring...
Bissell Sweeper
In 1876 Melville and Anna Bissell were running a small pottery shop in Grand Rapids MI. Tired of...